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Semi Truck Accident

Experienced Truck Accident Lawyer Fighting to Get You Maximum Compensation

We Represent Victims of Serious Traffic Injuries. If you or a loved one has been recently injured or killed in a semi truck accident or large truck accident, we understand the devastating toll such a catastrophic event can have on your life, health and well being.

Semi Truck accidents often have a more severe impact on occupants of passenger and commercial vehicles other than the truck due to the latter's immense size and weight. The results often include long term if not permanent disability and death.

We understand how to investigate an accident scene, collect relevant evidence to support your claim, calculate the total amount of losses you have suffered and negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf. Insurance companies often try to protect their bottom line by offering a quick settlement to close out your claim as soon as possible.

Yet, when serious injury and death are involved, the first settlement offer is rarely enough to pay for damages, especially since your expenses can continue for the rest of your life. Our legal team will do whatever it takes to ensure you are fairly compensated now and in the future.

Common Causes of Truck Collisions

Numerous events can lead to a truck crash on the highway. Truckers work long hours and often drive fatigued or under the influence of stimulants as a result. Driving across unfamiliar terrain or in in inclement weather can also affect a semi trucker's ability to operate their vehicle properly. Other common causes of truck accidents include:

  • Poorly designed, constructed or maintained roads and highways
  • Improperly loaded cargo that shifts or spills during transit
  • Driving under the influence or drugs and or alcohol
  • Distracted driving, speeding or other reckless driving
  • Other motorist driving in a large truck blind spots
  • A tire blowout, engine failure or other equipment malfunction

As you can see, liability can potentially fall on several individuals or entities, such as the truck driver, the loading company, the trucks manufacture, a government agency and several more.

This is why you need to call us and set up a free consultation. We will determine which parties are responsible to endure you seek compensation from the at fault party.

Type of Truck Accidents

Some of the most common and devastating types of truck crashes include:

  • Blind Spot accidents: 18 wheelers and other large trucks have massive, debilitating blind spots. While at the best to avoid these areas at all costs, there are situations in which driving to close to a truck is unavoidable. We encourage you to pass as soon as possible and try to make eye contact with the driver in their side mirrors if you can.

  • Jack Knife Accidents: Jack-knifes occur when a truck brakes suddenly causing its trailer to swing out to a 90 degree angle. A jack knifing truck can easily overturn or rollover.

  • Rollover Accidents: If a trucker losses control of their vehicle, the tractor-trailer can roll over and make both the truck and its cargo a major road hazard.

  • Tire Blowouts: Tractor-trailer are especially prone to blowouts due to their nearly constant use and weight of the truck.

  • Underride Accidents: Under-ride accidents are an incredibly deadly type of crash that happens when a truck abruptly stops, causing approaching vehicles to get stuck under the tractor trailer.

  • Wide Turn Collisions: Turns can be a difficult manager for truckers. While they are trained in securing the proper clearance before making a turn, a miscalculation or reckless driver can cause the trucker to hit another vehicle.

Rear and Front End Collisions, brake failure, T Bone crashes and lost cargo loads are also a major cause of truck accidents in the United States. The best way to avoid a collision or other accidents involving a large commercial truck is to give them a wide berth on the road, stay out of their blind spots and avoid driving in areas with poor visibility, bad road or weather conditions and heavy truck traffic when possible.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

  • Broken Bones
  • Seatbelt Injuries
  • Airbag Injuries
  • Internal Injuries
  • Head Injuries - Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI), Concussions, Whiplash
  • Back Injuries - Spinal Cord Injuries, Herniated Discs.

Call Swan Law for the Legal Representation You Deserve

If you or someone you know has been in a truck accident, we can help you determine liability. Investigate the crash site to pinpoint the causes. Collect evidence and witness and expert testimony to defend your case and calculate your losses to ensure you receive the maximum amount of compensation you need to recover from such a devastating crash.

We understand this is a trying time for you and your loved ones and we encourage you to seek legal help as soon as possible.

We look forward to helping you. It doesn't cost you a penny for us to help you.

We work on a contingency basis, which means you pay NO LEGAL FEE UNLESS WE WIN YOUR CASE.

Contact Swan Law now: at 1-912-200-7066 or fill out the form below.

Book a Free Evaluation

If you or a loved one have recently suffered an injury as a result of someone else's negligence or wrongdoing. Contact us at Swan Law, any time for a FREE CONSULTATION.

  • 24/7 Assistance
  • 7 Days a Week.
  • No Strings Attached
  • Fill out the form below or
  • Call 1-912-200-7066 

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